Office of Research Integrity (ORI)

The ORI comprises of the Principal, Dean and Associate Deans of Research and Development, Academic Deans and the Librarian as internal members and the legal advisor and subject expert as external members.

To cultivate and sustain a culture of research integrity, the ORI will

  • Keep abreast of current good practices for promoting proper management and conduct of research
  • Deploy a research management and monitoring system to keep track of grant proposals, research projects, publications, and other research products
  • Develop a checklist and training programmes for researchers to familiarize themselves with research integrity and potential pitfalls
  • Provide a code of conduct’ (processes and procedures for dealing with allegations of research misconduct)
  • Build checks to minimize conflicts of interest among reviewers

The ORI will provide the guidelines regarding processes and procedures for dealing with allegations of research misconduct. The guidelines will

  • Provide clarity regarding procedures for addressing allegations of misconduct, Plagiarism, etc.
  • Keep records and document the source of the allegation, how the allegation was addressed, the outcome of the investigation, and the penalties meted out, if any.

Dean-Research and Development

Policy on Research and Development

Partnership with HEIs

Incentives and Awards

Research Programmes