Dean of International Programme

About us

Madras Christian College is one of the oldest educational institutions in India. It has contributed significantly to nation building and nurturing leaders for the world.

The courses offered meet the interests of the students worldwide. MCC is known for its highly talented and dedicated teaching staff who are renowned for research and teaching.

The state-of-the-art facility and the green peaceful environment which takes care of bio diversity will give you a unique experience as you discover yourself and learn to prepare for the future.

MCC will help you to realize your potentials and will have opportunities to learn from diverse cultures and traditions. It forms you for the future challenges by supporting you in your pursuit of excellence in academic, professional competence and thus help you to realize your dreams without compromising on academic excellence, social relevance and spiritual vitality.


Collaborating with Universities Abroad

To foster collaboration with universities and institutions of high repute for academic and research exchange programmes.

Experience Education from Different Cultures

Encourage student mobility with partner institutions for certificate, graduate, postgraduate, study abroad programmes to experience different pedagogies and cultural diversity.

Mutual Sharing of Knowledge and Expertise

To share, exchange information, knowledge, teaching methodologies and expertise on the current trends and cutting edge technologies leading to joint research publications.

Building Oneself for Future Challenges

Learn to network with people and build world-class capabilities

S. Samuel Rufus

International Programmes

J. Arun Kumar

International Programmes


Study Abroad Seminar on Higher Education Opportunities in Germany

By the Visiting German Faculty and Students, Hamburg

24th October 2024 | A Report

The Study Abroad Seminar conducted by the Office of International Programmes reached fruition on 24th October 2024, from 11.30 a. m to 1 p.m.

The meeting began with the College Prayer read out by Ms. Alphy Benny. Ms. Catherin Sabu was the Master of Ceremonies for the programme. She was ably assisted by Mr. Sabarinathan, Ms. Alphy Benny, Ms. Zibiah Merin and Ms. Lindsay Rose Jordy. Ms. Smriti Wilson coordinated the Q & A Session.

Dr. Samuel Rufus, Dean of the International Programmes warmly welcomed the students and the resource persons for this Seminar, on behalf of the Principal and Madras Christian College. He also reminded the attendees of the functional webpage of Dean IP and whatsapp group for Study Abroad Opportunities. Then, Prof. J. Arun Kumar, the Associate Dean of International Programmes introduced the guests for the day.

The Study Abroad Seminar focused on the opportunities for Higher Studies in Germany. It was attended by seven imminent faculties from Germany, Dr. Michael Peter Watzlawik, Ms. Hannah Dorothea, Dr. Jan Sprinder, Dr. Kay Helge Wendler, Dr. Melanie Blaue, Dr. Maximillian Puls and Ms. Lena Stemman – each specializing in a different arena ranging from Religion to Business Psychology.

In his address to the gathering, Dr. Michael thanked the College and the students for the overwhelming response. About the culture and people of India, Dr. Michael quoted a friend from Karnataka, saying, “I was told to ‘expect the unexpected’ in India, and so far I’ve been so excited by the unexpected warmth and hospitality that I find in India.” A small circulation group including Dr. Michael, Dr. Jan and Ms. Christianne have been always actively indulging in exchanges with English speakers for the past twelve years, he observed.

Ms. Melanie Blaue, in her response, expressed her eagerness to engage in further cultural interactions, as her own specialisation is in yoga and meditation.

Ms. Karen Hilary from Skillwise Consultancy too shared her experiences and said that it was a good time to understand the German culture as well as ours, and motivated the students to engage in conversations that would shape perspectives.

Dr. MaximiIIian Puls and Dr. Kay Helge Wendler then presented to the students the foundational factors to note in order to pursue Higher education in Germany. Germany has world-class education and top notch technology to keep up with it. From engineering to humanities, the country offers a wide variety of Majors in all Disciplines. The key ideas of the presentation being –

  • The first key to success for the aspirants is to learn the German language. Mastering the language and earning a certification in it are equally essential while aspiring to pursue Higher education in Germany. They also suggested Goethe Institute as a good platform to secure a certification accepted in all the universities and workplaces across Germany.
  • They also said that students should keep an eye on the scholarships available. The German education system provides free education for all. The only fee would be an amount at the beginning of the semester which would include multiple benefits and student concessions.
  • Germany is also a prestigious host to a few top notch universities as the TUM Berlin, Hamburg University, University of Hildesheim and University of Applied Sciences. Hamburg offers students both academic theory and practical experience in the real world. It provides They offer strong academic programs, language to integration programs and buddy programs for the smooth sail of academics.

An amazing Q&A session that followed, moderated by Ms. Smrithi Wilson and Mr. Chris Immanuel, Global Student Ambassadors, opened the floor to the audience, to rectify the doubts and queries of our students.

  • To the question asked by Mohit from I M.A Philosophy pertaining to the availability of affordable German learning platforms, Mr. Michael answered that their circulation group is discussing this issue and would soon come up with a solution. Ms. Karen and Mr. Chris suggested the use of digital platforms or even watching movies and dramas; and connecting with others, in the language to make the learning process easier.
  • Mr. AIan Eben enquired about the availability of courses and other academic possibilities in Pipe organ which was his passion.

The faculty members responded that there are C, B and A levels of organ learning. It is also an integral part of the church music in Germany and each service would earn you 40-50 Euros, so anyone interested is greatly welcome.

  • Yet another question that followed was whether to opt for a University located in metropolitan or rural Germany. The faculties responded that cities are preferable, however more than the location it is the connections you make with people, the match of your course with your goal is what truly matters. Germany however has a very lesser population. From Frankfurt to down south it is just a 11 hours’ journey, so it is easy to get connected to people and places as well.
  • Regarding why one should prefer Germany over the U.S, they confidently answered that Germany provides free education and social health care facilities to all. Unlike the U.S, job opportunities is not a competitive market, and there are brilliant opportunities in bureaucracy, corporate world and many other arenas in Germany for highly educated people.

The Q & A session was followed by a few general questions about Germany and its culture. Before concluding, Mr. Kay reminded once again that it is important to connect to people who share the same vision and goals as you. The Indian Association of students present in many German universities, and common Facebook groups would be a great opportunity to initiate this. And at the end of the day, it is your passion that pays off, said Mr. Kay.

Mr. Chris Immanuel, Global Student Ambassador, thanked everyone who attended the Seminar, on behalf of Madras Christian College and the Seminar was highly beneficial for the participants.

Minutes by: Ms. Zibiah Merin Kuriakose

I M. A English 

at October 24, 2024


Signing of MoU between Hoseo University and Madras Christian College

Monday, 21st October 2024 | A Report

The Signing of MoU between Madras Christian College and Hoseo University, South Korea was organised on Monday, 21st October 2024 in the Council Room, MCC.

Prior to the meeting the representatives from the Hoseo University – Dr. Joon Mo Kang, Vice- President, Hoseo University, Prof. Yong Seon Choi, International Affairs Staff, HU, Ms. Elka Mariam Thomas, Student of Hoseo University (alumna and later Guest Faculty in MCC) – visited the MCC MRF Innovation Park (MMIP) accompanied by Mr. Sabarinathan (Global Student Ambassador). Dr. Aarthi Ram, Head of Operations, MCC MRF Innovation Park warmly received the dignitaries and gave them a presentation and an overview of the functioning of the MMIP. The visiting dignitaries also elaborated on the concept of Innovation Park at their university and expressed their keen interest in collaborating with the MMIP.

The event organised by the Office of the Dean of International Programmes was scrupulously coordinated by the student representatives Mr. Sabarinathan, Ms. Alphy Benny, Ms. Zibiah Merin Kuriakose and Ms. Lindsay Rose Jordy.

The meeting began at 04.15 p.m in the Council Room, MCC. Ms. Zibiah Merin Kuriakose was the Master of Ceremonies. The meeting opened with the College Prayer led by Ms. Smrithi Wilson (Global Student Ambassador, MCC) seeking divine guidance over the course of the event.

Dr. Samuel Rufus, Dean of International Programmes, MCC, gave a warm welcome address marking the commencement of the official meeting. 

To give our guests an overview of the campus and culture of MCC, a video documentary on MCC was presented.

The Korean delegates were also presented a copy of the book The Life and Legacy of Madras Christian College, along with a shawl and a memento.

Dr. Paul Wilson, the Principal and Secretary of Madras Christian College addressed the meeting during which he felicitated the members of the Hoseo Universty and acknowledged the University for being an Industry University that carries both industry engagement and academic excellence hand in hand. The principal suggested that the industrial exposure via internships at South Korean companies which has their branches in Chennai would be beneficial for the students. MCC has been engaging with South Korea for well over 11 years now. Korea plays a vital role in the logistics arena, and therefore he noted that an engagement and collaboration will be helpful in improving the logistic department in India. He concluded by stating that the engagement with Hoseo University will have a lot of benefits by adding value to MCC and he also warmly welcomed more students from the University to study in MCC.

Hoseo University, South Korea is a Christ-centred learning community which uses education to provide students the values and abilities they need to lead and serve others throughout their lives. The University has multiple campuses, with 67 departments and 9 graduate schools. Hoseo University assists in inspiring creative people who will use their values, responsibilities, and expertise to make a significant and lasting effect on the world through spiritual and academic training.

Ms. Elka Mariam Thomas, a present student from Hoseo University, who was also a guest faculty at MCC, shared her experiences at Hoseo. Moving to Korea, for her, was an absolutely new experience. Learning the Korean language and the assistance of a “very patient and helpful” environment and people aided in making her time at Hoseo a rather great one. She stated that there they made sure that everyone was treated equally and she received a homely feeling. She thanked Hoseo University for giving her this wonderful opportunity.

“This is a very beautiful college” said Prof. Joon Mo Kang, as he began the Vice President’s response. He then briefed the meeting about the Hoseo university that started as a Chrisitan Engineering College in 1978 and is celebrating its 46th anniversary this year as it stands as one of the top universities in South Korea as well as a top ranked Industry College. He emphasised the need to keep trying and how they encourage their students and faculty members to keep on trying and not to give up which embodies the motto of the university that is based on Philippians 4:13 which states, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” He concluded by expressing his hope to have great collaborations with the faculty and students of MCC and thanked the college for its hospitality.

After this, the meeting moved on to the cream of the session, the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Madras Christian College and Hoseo University, South Korea. Dr. Paul Wilson, Principal of Madras Christian College and the Vice President, Prof. Joon Mo Kang did the honours by signing the MoU, and thus officially inaugurated academic collaborations between the two Institutions.

Strengthening global engagement and facilitating academic exchange is one of the key portfolios of the office of International Programmes of MCC. MCC has always believed in the three founding principles of academic excellence, spiritual vitality and social relevance. Rapid strides are being effected in all these core values, thanks to the initiatives of our beloved Principal Dr. Paul Wilson. The office of International Programmes of MCC has facilitated the signing/ renewal of 4 MoUs this academic semester so far with Konyang (South Korea), Chang Jung Christian University (Taiwan), Appalachian University (USA) and Hanshin University (South Korea). This is the 5th MoU for this semester.  Apart from this the college also has a functional MoU with J-Ark Logistics.

Following the signing of the MoU, the representatives of the Hoseo University presented the Principal and Vice-Principals with gifts as a token of their love and cooperation.

Dr. J Jannet Vennilla, Vice- Principal of Madras Christian College, then, initiated yet another awaited moment of the meeting, the interactions with the Deans, HoDs and Faculty members.

Dr. D. Armstrong Doss, HoD of Business Administration (SFS) talked about MCC’s connection with South Korea as he mentioned about the students from South Korea who graduated from the Business Administration Department (SFS) in the previous years. He enumerated on how there is a lot of scope for collaborations and expressed his hopes in having student exchange and faculty exchange.

Dr. R Belinda, Director of Extension Programmes offered to facilitate International, Interdisciplinary service-learning programmes – including cross cultural interdisciplinary immersion experience- as well as interdisciplinary community-based service-learning programs. She also discussed the possibility for the students to work in community-based placements like at the school for underprivileged students, for tribal students and with the self-help groups for women among others. She concluded by conveying her wish to send students from MCC to Hoseo as well as to welcome the students of Hoseo at MCC.

Rev. C. Somu Ebenezer Ross, Collage Chaplin informed the Korean delegates about the activities of Institute for Advance Christian Studies (IACS) at MCC which offers BCS (Bachelor of Christian Studies) and is taking measures to offer MCS the following year. The principal motivated him to promote the course in villages which helped him in identifying so much scope for the course and an answer to the question on what to do after getting this degree, as the program gave them a skill which on developing helped them to be great models in their villages. He also spoke of his inclination in collaborating the IACS with the theological department at Hoseo University.

Dr. C. Amrithavalli, coordinator of the Internal Quality Assurance cell (IQAC) posed the question about the internship offered for the PhD Students and revealed her interest in a joint research collaboration between MCC and Hoseo University.

Dr. T. Hanna Clara, HoD of Physics (SFS) briefed the members of the Hoseo University about the short-term courses offered by the department on satellites, drones, miniature aircraft manufacture and ,if the student is interested, coaching them in attaining the drone pilot license. She shed light on how these courses lets the physics department to connect and collaborate with the Hoseo University on a business level.

The representatives from the Hoseo University were very enthusiastic in providing response to the questions and interactions by the faculty members. They acknowledged the connection MCC and India in general maintain with South Korea.

Dr. Joon Mo Kang, Vice President of Hoseo University explained that the University at its starting had four departments, three of them were engineering and one was Theological. While the University provides academic and industrial collaborations, when it comes to the theological department the industry is not company or cooperation but churches and they collaborate with the churches. Saying this he expressed his interest in developing a collaboration with the IACS at MCC.

The University does not just look at the companies but carefully examines of what a specific field matches with and provides an industrial collaboration on that front. When it comes to evaluating the faculty members of the University, they took into consideration how well the faculty did with industry interactions. Dr. Joon Mo Kang and Prof. Yong Seon Choi together conveyed that they would like to do collaborations with the departments of the college that communicated their interest in doing so. They also welcomed the idea of a cross-cultural interdisciplinary immersion experiences as well as expressed their keen interest in hosting the students from MCC at their University.

Ms. Smrithi Wilson initiated the interaction from the students’ side. Abdul Sahed Raza from I B.A. Philosophy, assisted by Joshin Chacko from I B.Sc. Physics, asked about the resources available to help the differently abled students in accessing quality international education opportunities. Dr. Joon Mo Kang addressed this by saying that while Hoseo University provided provisions for the differently abled, in Korea there are other universities, like the Korean Nazarene University, that deliver specialized services and resources to enhances the learning opportunities for the differently abled students.

Mr. Sabarinathan (Global Student Ambassador, MCC) asked about the internship opportunities that the University provides and also enquired about their interest in conducting workshops, paper presentations and courses through hybrid mode for the students of MCC. They welcomed the idea of the Indo-Korean support and promised to get back regarding this after discussing with the concerned faculty members of different departments at the University in order to provide a detailed answer. The interactions thus concluded on a positive and optimistic note.

The Vote of Thanks was delivered by Prof. J. Arun Kumar, Associated Dean of International Programmes, MCC, expressing gratitude and affection. He thanked each and every one present at the meeting especially Dr. Dohnyeong Lee, Korean Professor, MCC for his significant assistance in coordinating this meeting with the Hoseo University. Following this, Rev. C. Somu Ebenezer Ross gave the benediction. An official photo session with the visiting dignitaries and officials of Madras Christian College marked the conclusion of the meeting at 06.00 p.m. Which was followed by a small campus tour and dinner at the International Guest House, MCC at 07.00 p.m.

Minutes by: Lindsay Rose Jordy.

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Rendezvous with Visiting Dignitaries of Daystar University, Kenya

17th October 2024 | A Report

The interaction with the Kenyan delegates conducted on 17th October 2024 reached its fruition to the most.

The event organised by the Office of the Dean of International Programmes was so meticulously coordinated by the student representatives Mr. Sabarinathan, Ms. Lindsay Rose Jordy, Ms. Alphy Benny and Ms. Zibiah Merin Kuriakose.

The meeting began at 06.00 p.m., with the College Prayer led by Ms. Zibiah Merin from I M. A English to invoke the blessings of Lord Almighty. Ms. Alphy Benny walked us throughout the event as a wonderful MC.

The Vice Chancellor of Daystar University, Prof. Laban Peter Ayiro PhD, Dr. Caroline Ayuya Muaka, Prof. Samuel Muriithi PhD and Rev. Prof. P.E. Chandran PhD joined the meeting as the representatives of Daystar University, Nairobi, Kenya.

The formal meeting was initiated by a hearty welcome address by Dr. Samuel Rufus, Dean of International Programmes, MCC.

This was followed by Dr. P. E Chandran’s Address to the gathering.

Rev. Prof. P. E. Chandran, Alumnus of MCC – a student of the first batch of Statistics (1961-1965), and Professor of Statistics in MCC from 1970 to 1984. Dr. Chandran then went to Kenya as mission partner from the CSI Diocese of Madras in 1985, and served in Kenya from 1984 to 1989 and from 2008 to 2015 and in Zambia from 2004 to 2008.

Dr. Chandran also served as Head of the Research, Consultancy, and Publication with Daystar University, Nairobi, Kenya, for ten years.

He stood in front of the panel as a proud alumnus of MCC who was extremely delighted to reunite with his alma mater. He reminisced his humble background and the newfound freedom MCC had provided him as a student and faculty, to reach new heights.

On his motive behind this initiative to connect MCC and Daystar University, he implied the commonality of the establishment of both the institutes by Christian missionaries; and the quality of education both strive to facilitate. He stated that the motive of an educational institution should be to remove ignorance. His humble background found a new freedom in MCC.

Quoting Dr. Chandran, “Institution is what a person does to reach out to the people in any way they can.”

In this world where education is becoming global and cross-cultural, the educated should be able to reach out to the deprived in any way they can.

The Kenyan delegates were then honoured by a shawl and memento along with a copy of the book The Life And Legacy of Madras Christian College.

Copies of two books authored by Dr. Chandran titled, Youth in An African City: A report on Nairobi Youth, and Survey and Consultation and Research Methodology: A Quantitative Approach, were also donated to the College Library, and to the Department of Statistics in this event.

In the Vice Chancellor’s response that followed, Mr. Laban Peter Ayiro quoted, “This is delightful.”

His first-hand experience of an Indian Christian denominational College was quite unimaginable for him. He briefly introduced the faculty members who accompanied him, briefed the meeting about Daystar University and its activities, and also introduced the major courses they provide. Our Principal Dr. Paul Wilson felicitated the members and introduced the campus and culture of MCC to the panelists.

The most awaited moment – the interaction of delegates with the Deans, HoDs and Faculty members of MCC was hosted after this. The floor opened an arena for expressing interest in a variety of International collaborations and research. Dr. J .Jannet VenniIa, Vice Principal of MCC initiated the interactions.

Dr. Prince Annadurai, Head of the Department of Social Work, expressed the department’s interest to collaborate with them in research particularly relevant to the courses of Community Development and Clinical Psychology.

Dr. Belinda, the Director of Extension Office, offered to facilitate International Interdisciplinary short term cultural immersion programmes, first-hand experience and training in traditional folk art, and exposure to rural camps, for the students of Daystar University. She also proposed to provide them with long term internships along with supervisors.

Dr. Tabitha, Dean of R&D, Dr. Aarthi Ram, Head of Operations, MCC MRF Innovation Park, Dr. Armstrong, Head of the Department of Business administration, Dr. Nirmala Mohan, Head, Department of Commerce (SFS), and many more faculty members expressed their interest in global collaborations with Daystar in student exchange programs, research and start up collaborations, and a variety of online and offline courses.

The question posed by Abdul Sahed Raza, our student from I B.A Philosophy, assisted by Joshin Chacko from I BSc Physics was the true eye opener of the meeting. He asked about the provisions available for differently-abled students to get good International education opportunities. Prof. Laban addressed that this was truly a part he hadn’t thought of so far and promised to look into this matter seriously and inform the follow-ups.

The delegates from Daystar responded to the faculty interactions with great enthusiasm. Prof. Laban Peter implied the necessity to deliberately encourage these cultural interactions to explore morality in exchange, and to chisel us into better human beings.

Dr. Samuel Muriithi reiterated the quality of teaching and learning to be imparted to create a community of good people.

Dr. Caroline Ayuya Muaka too welcomed the cultural exchanges and proposed to even shape a cross-cultural curriculum in the future to propagate these notions. Their response ended on a positive note, expressing their interest to sign an MoU with MCC.

To convey our love and gratitude, Prof. J. Arun Kumar, Associate Dean of International Programmes, presented the Vote of Thanks. The meeting concluded by 07.20 p.m, with an official photo session with the visiting dignitaries and Officials of our College.

Minutes by: Zibiah Merin Kuriakose I M.A English

PS: The Office of International Programmes wishes to thank our beloved Principal Dr. Paul Wilson and Dr. Miriam Kalpana Simon, Head, Dept of Statistics, for having initiated this wonderful academic engagement between the two institutions.

at October 17, 2024No comments



International Webinar by Department of Social Work (SFS)

16th October 2024 | A Report

The Department of Social Work (SFS), in collaboration with the Office of International Programmes, MCC, organized an International Webinar on the theme, “Opportunities for Social Work in UK”, on 16th October 2024 from 2 pm to 3.25 pm via Microsoft Teams.

The meeting commenced at 14:00 IST, with Vignesh from the 2nd year BSW program serving as the master of Ceremonies. He welcomed the participants and initiated the proceedings with the college prayer.

Following the prayer, Vignesh invited Dr. Janice Shiji, Assistant Professor in charge, to deliver the welcome address.

Abhishek from the 2nd year BSW then introduced the guest speaker, Dr. Denise MacDermott, Reader in Social Work, Ulster University, Belfast, UK. Dr. Denise provided an insightful presentation on Ulster University, its course offerings, and the available scholarships. She also discussed various opportunities for students, covering topics such as admissions, scholarships, dormitory facilities, fees, and employment prospects.

The Meet was attended by 136 participants. Following the presentation, a question-and-answer session took place, focusing on scholarships, the enrollment process, accommodation, fee structures, and career opportunities.

The vote of thanks was delivered by Shiya Justin from the 2nd year BSW program, after which the meeting concluded at 15:25 IST

The Invitation of the International Webinar

Ms. Athira Suresh Kumar

VISA Edition No. 9

Today was a rain holiday in Chennai. However, we decided to go ahead with the VISA Event scheduled for today, since we had planned for it even a month ago.

We were initially a bit skeptical about the turn-out for today, since many parts in Chennai didn’t have electricity today, and many other areas were heavily inundated because of the rains.

However, we had a very good participation (34) for today’s VISA Programme, and there were lots of insightful questions for Ms. Athira from our students and faculty alike. It was such a joy to have one of our vibrant alumna talking to us today on her experience abroad.

One particular thought that she had shared is worth mentioning. Here goes –

‘It’s okay to have career gaps in one’s life. However, learn to appreciate and make the most of your career gaps’, she said.

Yet another interesting thought that her Professor Dr. Caroline shared about her is also worth mentioning as well. Here goes –

‘I want everyone participating in this talk today, to know how Athira best utilized her time in MCC. She is a good dancer, and she topped not only in her studies but also participated in all extra-curricular activities. Even in her UG she did good research work’, she added.

Now over to the Minutes of the Meeting, by Mr. Abraham, III BA English.

Here goes –

Ms. Athira spoke about herself and her journey from India to Luxembourg in the year 2022. Her talk focused on the opportunities in Luxembourg, with reference to the location, population and the languages spoken.

Ms. Athira mentioned Luxembourg as the world’s richest country and also presented a video clip of the country – known to preserve its ancient architecture and beauty.

She spoke on why one should choose Luxembourg, and presented the benefits such as having an international environment, free public transportation, no requirement of language tests, availing the Schengen visa and also about the easy to acquire citizenship norms of this country.

Then, Athira spoke about the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology and also about the University of Luxembourg which is the only university present in the country.

Then she described her life in Luxembourg as a Ph.D. researcher, Ph.D. completion criteria, etc., and also gave an insight on why study one should study or work abroad, about the application process and where to look for the available research projects, how to check for test requirements and the need for applying for the latest Ph.D. advertisements, scholarship opportunities, government and institutional funding, about how one can strengthen their application, challenges faced abroad and finally concluded her talk by providing the various career opportunities available post Ph.D, etc.

The talk [which had 34 participants today], was followed by a Q and A session and concluded with the vote of thanks given by Ms. Lakshmi, Global Student Ambassador.

The session began with the MC by Ms. Lakshmi, Global Student Ambassador, and the college prayer was read by Dr. Samuel Rufus, Dean of International Programmes, who also gave the welcome address.

Dr. Caroline Victoria, Associate Professor, Department of Physics (Aided) formally introduced Ms. Athira Suresh Kumar. Dr. Samuel Asirvatham, Head, Dept of Physics, and Dr. Nirmal Tyagu among others interacted with Ms. Athira.

We thank Dr. Selvakumari, for suggesting Ms. Athira Suresh Kumar for today’s programme.

We shall meet again, for the tenth edition of VISA on 28th October 2024, which will also be the final VISA Event for this Semester.

Best wishes,

Office of International Programmes


[Minutes of the Meeting prepared by Mr. Abraham, III BA English]

Invite for VISA Episode # 9 | Athira Suresh Kumar | University of Luxembourg

PhD Candidate in Materials Science | Specializing in Correlative Microscopy & Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry

Ms. Athira Suresh Kumar is currently a second-year PhD student at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), where she is part of the Advanced Instrumentation for Nano Analytics (AINA) group. Her research is centered on creating novel methodologies for mapping the spatial distribution of hydrogen in materials, utilizing correlative microscopy based on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS). her work seeks to deepen the understanding of hydrogen interactions within materials using advanced nano-analytical techniques, contributing to advancements in materials characterization and its development.

Collaborations: Technical University, Delft, Netherlands

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VISA – Ms. Swapna Sundar | A Report

23rd Sept 2024

Dear All,

Thank you for participating in today’s VISA – Virtual Interaction with Scholars Abroad Episode # 8 with Ms. Swapna Sundar, Alumna, Department of Political Science.

Minutes of the Meeting

Speaker: Ms. Swapna Sundar

(Studies: BA Political Science in MCC

Pursued Law at Dr. Ambedkar Govt. Law College, Chennai

Masters in Law, Brussels School of International Studies

Teaching Assistant, Kent Law School, University of Canterbury)

College Prayer given by Global Student Ambassador Sabarinathan

Welcome Address given by Dean of International Programs, Dr. Samuel Rufus

Introduction of speaker by Professor Diviyan from the Department of Political Science

Ms. Swapna Sundar’s Talk

Slide 1 – Why Study Abroad?

* As a student looking to pursue higher education overseas, ask yourself why you want to study abroad.

* May be to experience a unique learning opportunity or to settle abroad or for experience and exposure. Make choices for universities based on your decisions.

Slide 2 – What to Study? Academic Choices

* Professional Degrees – be mindful of pursuing professional degrees abroad with the intention of returning to home country, as equalisation exams are necessary before one can practice.

* Regulation and Laws – be mindful of the laws regarding return to home country.

* Future Career Path – Sketch out a suitable path for yourself to help with making academic choices.

Slide 3 – Funding Your Education

* Scholarships – Research and apply early for scholarships that suit your profile. As India is no longer classified as an underdeveloped or developing country, scholarship opportunities have come down, but there are still good ones.

* Student Loans – Be mindful of your ability to pay back.

Slide 4 – Living Options

* Guest Homes and Hostels – diverse living space with opportunities to interact with people from various cultures

* College campus and Student Residence – spaces sanctioned by the university with opportunities to interact with students from the same university

* Shared Housing – spaces that enable camaraderie on the basis of sharing a living space.

Slide 5 – Travel on a Budget

* Travelling by Parental Support

* Explore the city – take time to explore travel facilities offered to students, especially in Europe and utilise wisely.

* Travel Safe – look for trustable group tours and solo travel with caution.

Slide 6 – Cost Management

* Live like Students – Embrace a simple lifestyle – choose valuable experiences over comfort

* Budget wisely – especially in a shared living space (and even otherwise), manage finances wisely.

* Odd jobs – working part time helps the budget.

Slide 7 – Relationships and Social Life

* Personal Relationships – Be mindful of the kind of company you make

* Social life – do not do anything that would land you in trouble. Be mindful of the fact that you are in another country.

* Legal Awareness – be mindful of the law when it comes to international students in that country as opposed to locals. Don’t jeopardise your visa status or future plans.

Q&A session with the students

Vote of Thanks by Lakshmi

MC & Minutes: Ms. Lakshmi Ramaswami, II MA English

Report of the Meeting: Mr. T. Abraham

We shall meet again next week on yet another Episode of ‘VISA’.

Best wishes,

Office the Dean of International Programmes


Dear All,

We cordially invite you to join us for a lively time of interaction with Ms. Swapna Sundar at 6 pm, Monday, 23rd September 2024 on Zoom Meet, as part of our Virtual Interaction with Scholars Abroad Series, Episode # 8.

Ms. Swapna Sundar has a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science from Madras Christian College, and she is a proud member of the alumni association.

Ms. Swapna Sundar is an accomplished scholar, with four renowned publications to her credit. She is also an excellent communicator, with a vibrant zest for life, and a quest for achieving excellence. She will talk about her experience abroad, and with her immense global exposure, she would also give valuable suggestions on opportunities for higher studies in various destinations abroad.

Do join in at 6 pm, Monday, 23rd September 2024 on Zoom Meet using the link below.

Meeting ID: 318 619 2180

Passcode: chemistry

Please also find attached the flyer for the event.

Kind regards,

Dr. Rufus

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Dr. Gautham, University of Oklahoma in Conversation with our Students

Today | 3rd August 2024 | 7 pm

The Deanery of International Programmes and the Deanery of Research & Development organized the first edition of ‘Meet with our Alumni Studying Abroad’ Series today, 3rd August 2024, at 7 pm.

The meeting began at 7 pm and ended at 8.10 pm.

It was a very lively and interactive session with our illustrious alumnus Dr. Gautham Chengizkhan BSc & MSc Zoology (2010-2015), who’s presently Postdoctoral Research Fellow with the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma, US.

I had even contested for College Chairman, and lost! But I learnt a lot from the loss. Then I was elected Chairman in the University.

I’ve spent almost one fifth of my life in MCC. With respect to academics, I was just an average student – a middle bencher. In fact, I came to MCC with a lot of dreams and aspirations.

I request you to seize any opportunity that comes your way in MCC. You might never know when your turning point will come!

It’s important to develop multidisciplinary knowledge. I cleared my NET, and then went on to do my PhD. Since my parents were teachers, they wanted me to do B.Ed. But I didn’t oblige them, since I found that, my calling was not amongst school children, but on research. So check your calling!

Observe and record whatever you listen to in class! Whatever you’re taught is for your own good.

Being in a Conference boosts your confidence. It also gives you constructive feedback and criticism.

The key takeaway is, ‘Step Out of your Comfort Zone’.

Embracing opportunities outside of your comfort zone is essential for personal and professional development, signed off Dr. Gautham.


at August 03, 2024  No comments :



Ms. Swapna Sundar, alumna of Dept of Political Science, and Founder of IP DOME, along with Ms. Shanaz paid a visit to the Office of the Dean of International Programmes, MCC.

Dr. Rufus, Dean IP welcomed them. Mr. Sabarinathan Murugan, Global Student Ambassador was present on the occasion.

Ms. Swapna promised to help us with signing MoUs with various Universities across the world. She updated us on her visit to the University of Kent last month and about getting in touch with various officials of the University.

IP DOME was founded in 2009, by Swapna Sundar and Raghavendra Ravi, to address the challenges of deploying emerging technologies in the emerging markets. Our mission is to view the challenges from the perspective of the technology trend, legal and regulatory processes, and business logic, to provide long-term strategic solutions.

With a constantly evolving approach to technology deployment in emerging markets, we aim to deliver consistent and data-driven strategic outcomes to our clients. IP DOME creates and implements strategies that help clients commercialize their technology, partner with existing industries in the target market, and successfully seek funding and investment. Our multi-disciplinary team is dedicated to providing data-driven best-in-class solutions for IP Strategy services and solutions.

at August 01, 2024   No comments


The Deanery of Research & Development organized a Workshop on Research Methodology for Research Scholars today, from 9 am to 1 pm in the MMIP.

Dr. Hepzhibah Israel, University of Edinburgh was the Resource Person for the Workshop.



Study Abroad Seminar @ MCC | 31st July 2024 

The first Study Abroad Seminar of the new academic year – organized by the Deanery of International Programmes in association with MCC Placement Cell, – was inaugurated by our Principal Dr. Paul Wilson in the Chemistry Seminar Hall, at 10.30 am, today, Wednesday, 31st July 2024. 

Around 110 students participated. 

The Dean of International Programmes, Dr. Rufus welcomed the gathering. 


This was followed by a Photo session with our Principal, the Speakers, the Participants and the Organisers of the Seminar. 

Dr. Hepzhibah Israel, Senior Lecturer in Translation Studies spoke on opportunities for Higher Education in the UK. 


Mr. Sathya Gnanaiah, from Toronto Region Immigration Employment Council, Canada, and our alumnus (1983-89), spoke on excellent opportunities for the Indian workforce in Canada. 

Professional Educational consultant from IDP Australia, Ms. Geetha, gave an overview to Studying Abroad focusing on the plethora of scholarships available for students.

Our Global Student Ambassador Ms. Smriti Wilson did the MC, while Chris Immanuel, and Sabarinathan Murugan, our Global Student Ambassadors facilitated the logistics connected with the conduct of the Seminar.

 Prof. Arun Kumar Joseph, Associate Dean of International Programmes coordinated the Seminar. 

at July 31, 2024  No comments:


Dr. Hepzhibah Israel, Senior Lecturer, Translation Studies, conducted a Translation Workshop for PG Students of the Department of English, MCC, in the afternoon session on 31st July 2024.

Prof. Deepa Priyadarshini coordinated the Programme.

at July 31. 2024  No comments:


The Department of English [SFS] hosted a Panel Discussion with visiting Professor Hephzibah Israel, Senior Lecturer in Translation Studies, University of Edinburgh, Scotland and Dr. Nirmal Selvamony, Former Professor & Head, Dept of English Studies and Dean, School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Central University of Tamil Nadu.

Dr. Armstrong, Department of Endangered Languages, and Professor, Department of English, University of Madras, was the Moderator.

at July 30, 2024  No comments:


Two representatives from the Oxford Centre for Religion and Public Life (OCRPL) visited our college on Friday, 26th July 2024. Both are our alumni – Dr. Bobby Thejus (who did PhD under Dr. Joshua Kalapati, Dept of Philosophy, Retd.) who later studied in St. Andrews, Scotland, and Rev Sam Thambusamy, who did Physics and went to Gurukul and Edinburgh. 

As part of their visit to various theological institutions in India, exploring possibilities of collaboration, we had a pre-arrival meeting on Zoom at 8 pm on 25th July 2024.

On 26th July, at 10 am, they met with the Dean of International Programmes Dr. Rufus, Rev. Ross, Dr. Joshua Kalapati and Prof. Arun Kumar Joseph. Possibilities for collaboration between IACS and OCRPL were discussed. 

Later, around 11.30 am, they met with our Principal Dr. Paul Wilson in his chamber.

This was followed by a fellowship lunch hosted by our Principal, in which Dr. Hepzhibah Israel, University of Edinburgh also participated along with her husband. 

at July 26, 2024 


A group of 19 students from the Dept of Social Work, Asia University, visited MCC on Thursday, 25th July 2024. They had a fruitful time of interaction with the students of the Department of Social Work (Aided).

This was followed by a briefing on the SLPs offered in MCC, and a rewarding visit to the MMIP facilitated by our Global Student Ambassador Mr. Sabarinathan Murugan.

at July 25, 2024  No comments:


Dr. Paul Wilson, Principal of Madras Christian College, was in Singapore to discuss the Semester-Abroad Programme on Logistics & Supply Chain Management. The meeting was arranged by a mutual contact, Sridhar K from TT Group India, on Saturday, 20th July 2024.

Dr. Tan Yan Weng, Associate Professor & Head, Logistics & Supply Chain Management Programme | School of Business, promptly connected us with Ms Mindy Ong, Head of Office of Global Programmes. 

Dr. Rufus, Dean of International Programmes, followed it up with Dr. Mindy, by expressing our desire to collaborate with SUSS for a Semester-Abroad Programme for our students, on ‘Logistics and Supply Chain Management’. In this regard, a Zoom meet for a discussion on the same was proposed by Dr. Rufus. 

at July 24, 2024  No comments:


A meeting was convened in the Office of the DIP on 24th July 2024 at 10.20 am. to discuss the paper on Music Theory I & II.

Members Present

Dr. Samuel Rufus

Dr. S. Daniel Evans

Prof. Arun Kumar Joseph

Ms. Smriti Wilson (Global Ambassador)

Mr. Sabarinathan (Global Ambassador)

Minutes of the Meeting

Members had a discussion on offering Music Theory I & II as part of GC, as a Value-Added Certificate Course through the MCC-SCE, for their Semester I & Semester II respectively.

  1. The MCC-SCE will be administering the course.
  2. The Course will be offered like any other GC Course for 60 hours.
  3. On successfully completing the course, a Course Certificate will be given to the students.
  4. A student who wishes to do Music Theory II directly, [without doing Music Theory I] should satisfy the necessary prerequisites. They will have to go through a condensed version of Music Theory I (in online modules /e-content) and take up an assessment as well.

It was decided to take this forward, after we receive our Principal’s suggestions and inputs in this regard.

Reminder of Actionables and Timelines was also given.

  1. Compiling the suggestions from all those who are marked and preparing the curriculum (July last week)
  2. Positioning it as part of GE, GC or ID accordingly (August first week)
  3. To consult with Mr. Augustin Paul soliciting opinion as an external expert (August second week)
  4. Constituting the BoS and executing the same (September first week)
  5. Presenting in the pre-Board (September second week)
  6. Academic council (To be scheduled in October as per the progress in other departments)


at July 24, 2024  No comments:


Dr. Hepzhibah Israel, Lecturer in Translation Studies with the University of Edinburgh, Scotland arrived in MCC for a two-week lecture series for our students.

From Monday, 22nd July 2024 till Friday, 26th July 2024, she engaged the students of II MA English Literature with a series of lectures on Translation Studies, coordinated by Prof. Deepa Priyadarshini, Assistant Professor, Dept of English.

at July 22, 2024  No comments:


A meeting was held in the Office of the Dean IP, at 10.20 am, Monday, 22nd July 2024, for discussions on possibilities for collaborating with NMSU on Hydroinformatics Course.

Members Present

Dr. Mahalakshmi, Dean of Sciences

Dr. Tabitha Durai, Dean, R & D

Dr. Samuel Rufus, Dean, International Programmes

Prof. Arun Kumar, Associate Dean of International Programmes

Dr. E. Rajkumar, Assistant Professor, Dept of Chemistry

Dr. Yasodharan Suresh, Assistant Professor, Dept of Geography

Dr. S.J. Samuel Justin, MMIP

Dr. M. Beutline, MMIP

Mr. Sabarinathan Murugan, Student Ambassador

The meeting began with a word of prayer.

Two verticals were presented in the meeting.

Vertical I – Students of any UG Programme get to do a Semester-Abroad in Water Science Management with NMSU, regardless of their Major.

Vertical II – Programme-wise selection, based on course mapping and credit transfer. However, a few members felt that, as regards hydroinformatics or water science management, only elective courses can be mapped.

Hence it was recommended that, Vertical I be pitched.

It was also suggested that students from NMSU can be invited for a Short-term International Interdisciplinary Internship (III) and/or for a Semester-Abroad Programme.

For both programmes, it was suggested that, one hour of spoken Tamil/ Culture / Cultural Immersion would be given to them each day of the duration of their course. The Departments of Tourism, History and Tamil could also be roped in for such an “III Course”, which would facilitate cultural immersion for the visitors, as well. 

It was suggested that, based on Principal’s inputs, it can be formally communicated to officials of NMSU resulting in MoUs between the two institutions.

at July 22, 2024  No comments:


On Thursday, 18th July 2024, Dr. Wayne Dyble, Head of International, Bishop Grosseteste University, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, was in Madras Christian College, along with Mr. Lakbir Singh, Chief Operating Officer, India Business Group, Broadwalk House, 5 Appold Street, London EC2A 2HA.

The meeting started at 4 pm in the Conference Room, IGH with a word of prayer by Dr. Mahalakshmi, Dean of Sciences.

Dr. Armstrong, Dr. Solomon, Dr. Aarthi and Dr. Belinda presented as part of their Department/Unit.

Prof. Arun welcomed the gathering. Smriti and Abraham, our Student Ambassadors were with us and interacted with the visiting officials.

Dr. Wayne offered to give higher scholarships to MCC students once the MoU is finalised.

He said that he would be back (If required) in India in a couple of months, to sign an MoU between MCC and BGU.

at July 18, 2024  No comments:


16th July 2024

 First Call for Semester-Abroad Programme with Sungkonghoe University, Seoul, South Korea (SKHU)

We have a working MoU with Sunghonghoe University, South Korea, which facilitates nomination of two of our current Under Graduate students as part of their Semester-Abroad Programmes from the following disciplines.

Period of Study

Students can choose any ONE semester (March – June 2024)

Expected Departments: Business Administration, Media & Contents, Social Welfare/Social Work.

Credits per Semester: Minimum TWO Credits (one subject) maximum 19 credits (seven subjects)

Tuition Fee: Paid to MCC (Need not be paid to SKHU)

Korean Language Proficiency: Not required. However classes and qualification tests (topik) are available.

Living Conditions

  1. No scholarship benefits
  2. Dormitory: Rs. 20,000/- per month, for two students in one room.
  3. Meals: Can use the student cafetaria (Rs.300/- per meal)
  4. Part-time Job: Students can earn Rs.30,000/- monthly.

MCC Preparations

Mid-July 2024 – Call for Applications

August 2024 – Recruitment Confirmation

September 2024 – Application, Admission Confirmation

November 2024 – Visa Process

February 2025 – Entry to Korea

March 2025 – Start their Semester in Korea.

Interested students may send an email expressing their interest to

Deanery of International Programmes


at July 16, 2024  No comments:


11th July 2024

Meet with Professor Brian K. Kobilka

[Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 2012]

on Thursday, 18th July 2024

5.45 pm onwards

Topic: From Fields To Frontiers: The Journey of A Physician-Scientist  

Venue: The Music Academy, 168, TT Krishnamachari Road, Royapettah, Chennai  

How to Reach:

About the speaker

Brian Kent Kobilka (born May 30, 1955) is an American physiologist and a recipient of the 2012 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, along with Robert Lefkowitz, for discoveries that reveal the workings of G protein-coupled receptors. 

He is currently a professor in the Department of Molecular and Cellular Physiology at Stanford University School of Medicine. 

He is also a co-founder of ConfometRx, a biotechnology company focusing on G protein-coupled receptors. 

He was named a member of the National Academy of Sciences in 2011.

About the lecture

In the intricate tapestry of healthcare, the physician-scientist stands as a beacon of innovation and compassion. 

Their journey is not just a career path but a calling—an unwavering commitment to advancing both the art and science of medicine. As they continue to pave the way forward, their impact resonates far beyond the confines of the laboratory or the hospital room, shaping the future of healthcare for generations to come.

Interested individuals are invited to register via the following Link.

Note: Registration in advance is compulsory for all participants. We kindly request all participants to arrive at the venue no later than 5 P.M.  

Due to limited seating capacity, allocations will be made on a first-come, first-served basis.

We look forward to your participation in this exciting lecture. 

For further information, you may contact the undersigned.

Alfred Jeevan

Office of Global Engagement

Indian Institute of Technology Madras



HP: (91) 98409 46173

Ph: (91) 044 2257 8876

Thank you.

Deanery of International Programmes



at July 11, 2024  No comments:



7th July 2024

For PG Students: Indo-German Joint Call for proposals 2024 (DST-DAAD)

In this programme, special emphasis is given for academic training and specialization of young researchers.

For more details –


Deadline for Submission of Applications: 31st August 2024

Deanery of International Programmes



at July 07, 2024  No comments:


4th July 2024

The Deanery IP organized a rendezvous for students aspiring to do their Semester-Abroad Programme with LeTourneau University, TX, US. 

Students who had spent their Spring Semester-Abroad at LeTourneau University, TX, US, from January to May 2024, shared their experiences with prospective students.

Eight of the returnees shared their experiences. A total of 24 aspiring students participated in the programme.

Dr. Rufus, Dean IP, chaired the session. Prof. Arun Kumar Joseph, Associate Dean IP, coordinated the programme, while Mr. Chris Immanuel, II MA English, Global Student Ambassador with Deanery IP, compered the programme.

at July 04, 2024  No comments:
