Prayers For College & Alumni

Prayer for College

O Thou, who in days past didst put it into the hearts of good men to found this college; for the imparting of sound learning, the building of character and the spread of spiritual truth and knowledge of Thyself. Bless our college and schools; may love, unity and brotherhood be learnt here; may industry, uprightness and courage grow here; and from this place may there be sent forth continually a stream of men and women who shall serve Thee faithfully in Thy world. Amen.

Prayer for Alumni

O God, of whose gift alone it cometh that Thy faithful people do unto Thee true and manful service. We pray Thee to follow with Thy blessing those students who have gone out from amongst us to serve in the wider arena of life outside these college walls. Strengthen them to meet victoriously all temptation, enable them for the faithful performance of their life-work, and may they ever without fear of man follow steadfastly where duty, right and honour lead. Amen.