Computer Science – (B.Sc.)

Highlights of the Programme

About Us

The main focus of the Department of Computer Science is to train students through a blend of theoretical and conceptual frameworks on programming, data analytics, and statistics. The curriculum has been carefully curated and tailored for students who want to pursue a successful career in Computer Science. The course provides the entire toolbox to become Software Developer, Data Analyst, Data Scientist, Analytics Lead and Programming Specialist. The programme’s pedagogy consists of lectures, case studies, seminars, workshops and many more student-centric activities. The Department possesses a well-equipped Computer Lab that boasts a network running on Windows 10.0 on the dedicated server that is attached/networked to 45 individual Core i5, 12th Generation client workstations for the students. 

Programmes Offered

B.Sc. Computer Science


Curriculum Outline

B.Sc Computer Science CurriculumB.Sc Computer Science Curriculum